Annual Package – 6x Page Advert (4x Seasons)

Price ZAR 13 400 | N$ 13 400


  • 6x Full pages in 4 of our international online wedding magazines. One 6-Page Advertisement per season for 4x consecutive seasons, the first season starting after your purchase.  (24x pages in total for the year)
  • One full year of Facebook group privileges for the 4x seasons you are featured with us. (Bows & Chic: International Wedding Group)
  • Receive our seasonal Logo for your Bows & Chic magazine collection.
  • FREE Wedding Directory subscription for 2 years, worth R2400.


    Name of your business or company*

    Contact person*



    Website address (NB: paste URL without the http:// or https://)

    Link(s) to social pages (NB: paste URL without the http:// or https://)
    (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)

    Tell us about your business

    Please carefully read and accept our terms and conditions.

    Ad Approval

    • Ensure that your advertisement is wedding related.
    • Only Wedding related advertisements will be published with us. If you are uncertain whether your advert will be accepted, feel free to email us at
    • If your advertisement is not wedding related, only 80% of your purchase amount will be refundable. 20% of your purchase amount will automatically be allocated to admin/bank fees.
    • Your advertisement will be sent to you for approval before being published. This is to ensure that all information is correct and that you are happy with your design.


    • If you do not send in your information by the deadline mentioned, your advertisement will not be published. You will still receive the other benefits mentioned with your package.
    • If you do not approve the advertisement by the mentioned approval deadline, your advert will not be published.
    • If your advert is not published due to your own negligence (not meeting our deadlines), you will not be refunded.
    • Please note that once you have missed our publishing deadlines, you will not be able to move your advert to another season.

    1x Season = 3 months. The Seasons are as follows:

    • Summer: 1 December – 28/29 February
    • Autumn: 1 March – 31 May
    • Winter: 1 June – 31 August
    • Spring: 1 September – 30 November

    4x Seasons = 12 months

    No Refund

    If your purchase complies with our criteria, there will be no refunds after your purchase.

    More Information

    • A welcome brief with more information will be sent to you after your purchase. Give us some time for us to respond to you personally.

    Are you located in Africa?

    • We only accept wedding-related ads if the business is in Africa (which includes islands like Mauritius, Madagascar and Zanzibar)