Annual Package – 2x Page Advert (4x Seasons)

Price ZAR 5000 | N$ 5000


  • 4x Double spread advertisements in our international online wedding magazines. One Double Spread Advertisement per season for 4x consecutive seasons, the first season starting after your purchase.  (8 pages in total for the year)
  • One full year of Facebook group privileges for the 4x seasons you are featured with us. (Bows & Chic: International Wedding Group)
  • Receive our seasonal logo for your Bows & Chic magazine collection.
  • FREE Wedding Directory subscription for 1 year, worth R1750.


    Name of your business or company*

    Contact person*



    Website address (NB: paste URL without the http:// or https://)

    Link(s) to social pages (NB: paste URL without the http:// or https://)
    (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)

    Tell us about your business

    Please carefully read and accept our terms and conditions.

    Ad Approval

    • Ensure that your advertisement is wedding related.
    • Only Wedding related advertisements will be published with us. If you are uncertain whether your advert will be accepted, feel free to email us at
    • If your advertisement is not wedding related, only 80% of your purchase amount will be refundable. 20% of your purchase amount will automatically be allocated to admin/bank fees.
    • Your advertisement will be sent to you for approval before being published. This is to ensure that all information is correct and that you are happy with your design.


    • If you do not send in your information by the deadline mentioned, your advertisement will not be published. You will still receive the other benefits mentioned with your package.
    • If you do not approve the advertisement by the mentioned approval deadline, your advert will not be published.
    • If your advert is not published due to your own negligence (not meeting our deadlines), you will not be refunded.
    • Please note that once you have missed our publishing deadlines, you will not be able to move your advert to another season.

    1x Season = 3 months. The Seasons are as follows:

    • Summer: 1 December – 28/29 February
    • Autumn: 1 March – 31 May
    • Winter: 1 June – 31 August
    • Spring: 1 September – 30 November

    4x Seasons = 12 months

    No Refund

    If your purchase complies with our criteria, there will be no refunds after your purchase.

    More Information

    • A welcome brief with more information will be sent to you after your purchase. Give us some time for us to respond to you personally.

    Are you located in Africa?

    • We only accept wedding-related ads if the business is in Africa (which includes islands like Mauritius, Madagascar and Zanzibar)